Friday, May 27, 2011


Last summer, I really got into making frittatas with the farm-fresh eggs and other yummy produce we got in our CSA box.  We called it "Frittata Friday."  I like to make it when we have company, too, because it is super easy, yummy, and makes a lot.  And I always get asked about my recipe.  Well, here goes . . . it's not really so much a recipe as a method.

Preheat broiler.  Saute a bunch of veggies (asparagus, mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, sundried tomatoes, and spinach are all good choices) on the stove in an oven-safe skillet.  You can even add some cooked pancetta or bacon or sausage if you want.  Season with salt and pepper.  Lightly beat eggs (use the number of eggs equal to the diameter of the skillet.  So 10 eggs for a 10" skillet, 12 for a 12", etc.).  Pour in skillet, stir, and cook until eggs are mostly set.  If you want, top with cheese of your choice (goat cheese is fantastic!) and broil until eggs are set and cheese is melted/lightly browned (keep a close eye, those sneaky broilers are notorious for burning things in an instant).

Removing the frittata from the pan can be tricky.  What I usually do is run a knife around the edge of the skillet, run a spatula up under the frittata to help loosen it from the skillet, place a cutting board on top of the skillet, flip, and say a little prayer that it comes out!  Since it's now upside-down, I put the serving plate on it and flip it back over, then slice into 8 pieces.


  1. Looks great! Does it reheat well?

  2. It does reheat well, although once I used shiitake mushrooms and they got a bt rubbery when I reheated.
